The Starbucks Refreshers line of drinks comes in an instant packet form known as Starbucks VIA and is also available in canned carbonated versions. The flagship of these is the company's offering of iced energising juice drinks that are available to purchase in-store.
This is actually a Starbucks beverage we've been enjoying frequently for many years. It's the Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino and after a quick Google search for the drink we've noticed not much has been said about it. So we thought we'd give you an in-depth review.
Last Christmas we published two Thorntons chocolate product reviews. And with the lead up to Easter we thought we'd bring you some Thorntons Easter egg reviews, starting with this egg.
The ROK Espresso Coffee Maker is all about the design. In the way it functions and looks. Yet makes freshly brewed coffee without the need of electricity. Meaning you can use it anywhere.