MediaDevil Easyscreen protector for iPad 2 Review - Slinky Studio

MediaDevil Easyscreen protector for iPad 2 Review

The MediaDevil Easyscreen is a little bit different to your average screen protector.

The iPad only comes in two colours but this adds an extra ten to choose from. With red, pink, blue, orange, green, yellow, purple, grey, black and white to choose from. And all the colours look very vibrant, making them blend well with the Smart Covers.

Included with the one MediaDevil Easyscreen protector is a micro fibre cleaning cloth that you will need to use to get your iPad screen clean. Once clean you can peel the Easyscreen off it’s backing paper and place it square onto your iPad screen. It’s very tough to get it precisely square, I lined the hole of the screen protector up against the home button and did the same for the camera which eventually with a little playing around I perfected. At this stage MediaDevil pretty much promise that bubbles will not occur and they didn’t in my instance expect around the bezel. But the reason for this is due to the only adhesive part of the protector being on the bezel. Making it super easy to apply and get the bubbles out compared to a many others which have adhesive all over.

But you’d think that using your iPad amongst a layer of something resting on top of the screen unattached would make the whole experience slightly faulted. You can’t tell the difference from this protector to another which sticks right across the screen. But you can tell the difference from the Easyscreen and the real naked iPad screen. The iPad screen is much nicer to touch and use but this will protect it and after a couple of hours of use I was no longer a stranger to the feel. Playing games and interacting with the screen was all okay and trouble free.

I did notice that the Easyscreen reflects less light and glare in comparison with the actual iPad glass screen. It’s still glossy but reduces glare quite considerably. 

The protector is quite thick meaning you have a nice amount of resistance from scratches but because of this you may find that the case your keep you iPad in will no longer fit. Folio cases are your best bet but some skins I tried also worked if not a little tight. Functions like the opening and closing of a case to wake and put your iPad to sleep still work. Also the protector doesn’t move around, it stays well and truly in the same position which was one of my early worries when having it incorporated into a case as it’s only stuck to the bezel.

My verdict is that the variety of colours alongside the hassle free applying make the MediaDevil Easyscreen stand out from the crowd.

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