Sports Agent iPhone Game Review - Slinky Studio

Sports Agent iPhone Game Review

You may remember a little while back a review of ‘Football Agent’ for the iPhone and iPod Touch which seems to resemble this game ‘Sports Agent’. Well they are basically the same game and I mean the same but this defiantly isn’t a bad thing.

The setups like it was, you are given two million dollars to spend on buying sports players over a period of 200 days (200 seconds). The aim is to beat how much money you made the previous time you played or friends and family played. You do this by buying players when they are really low in price and then once bought you wait for them to go up in value to a point where you think they are worth selling. If you want to see it in action watch the video below.

To make the game more interesting sports players occasionally have symbols which appear on them one is ‘potential trouble’ where the players value can plummet very quickly another is ‘potential super’ star where the players value can increase very quickly and one more where it can go either way so you are taking a real gamble.

The controls are very simple, all you have to do is tap on a player to buy them and tap on them again to sell and that works great.

The graphics are just square cartoony players on a cartoony field. The colours are nice and vivid which is good. The banners around the edge have gone from ‘Football Agent’ but that is because it was a football focused game unlike this but I kind of miss the banners.

The music theme tune is identical to that in Football Agent which we all loved at first and thinking it was really catchy. But in the end we disabled it because

the repetitiveness drove us crazy. The sound effects are very simplistic for transitions of you buying and selling players which is good because it doesn't distract you.

Overall ‘Sports Agent’ is a no brainer buy over ‘Football Agent’. Where this game really shines is when played on the iPad, it looks and sounds great on it and once you've played on the iPad it just seems like it was the ultimate way to go all along. I would recommend to anyone not interested in sports like me or anyone who is because at the end of the day it’s good old simple fun and addiction.

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