We Start Partys New EP Review - Slinky Studio

We Start Partys New EP Review

I know most reading this are American and will be completely oblivious to the band ‘We Start Partys’. Some of you are from the UK so you may be familiar with them because that's where the bands based. The band is made up of 5 members Dave, Ben, Elys, Ross, Matt. The genre the band performs is rock with a hint of thrash and drum n’ bass.

We Start Partys have just released a brand spanking new EP with four tracks. The first track on the EP is bar none my favourite and the most memorable of them all. Dubbed as ‘Make Tonight’ the song has fantastic build up and is all about love. The vocals are very strong throughout and are not covered by the instruments which does sometimes happen in this genre of music, every word can be understood. Drum n’ bass plays a key part at times and sounds fantastic, all the guitar work is so tightly produced. It’s definitely the flagship track on the EP for me and would definitely appeal to most who enjoy this genre, it also stuck in my head which is good and bad.

My second favourite track happens to be the second track on the EP ‘Meet Me On the Dance Floor’. This has an awesome innocent introduction on a transistor radio and again is about love. The guitar work and drums all come together superbly, a female singer ties in really well on this track. Everything is delivered in a great catchy package.

I found the last track on the EP ‘All We’ve Got’ to start off great but then it became very repetitive so that for me is the weakest track on the EP. The penultimate track 'Seasons' is really good too but not one I would replay like ‘Meet Me On the Dane Floor’ and ‘Make Tonight’.

Overall the EP is definitely something to take a look at. For those who live in the UK it's available for purchase in CD form and for those in America and the rest of the world I'd imagine it will be on iTunes soon because their previous EP was. If you just want to listen to the tracks for free go to the bands MySpace page and don’t forget to check out their new music video below.

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